Date:         Fri, 1 Nov 1996 18:02:53 +1100
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Subject:      CM> History of ILLIAC?
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 846896982.015

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

> Date:    Thu, 31 Oct 1996 09:55:03 -0500
> From:    "David S. Bennahum" 
> Would anyone like to explain the significance of ILLIAC, which was built at
> the University of Illinois.  At the time, I guess around 1967?, how

The SILLIAC, which was operational at the University of Sydney
by 1956 (40th anniversary recently), was based on the design of
the first ILLIAC, so that must have predated '56.  As I recall,
the SILLIAC had 1024 words of 40 bits each, stored in William's
tubes -- I've got some documentation stowed away in a box
somewhere...  I imagine the original ILLIAC wouldn't have been
much different.  The SILLIAC team did make changes, but used the
ILLIAC design as a starting point.  Which of the ILLIACs was
around in 1967, I don't know.


Les Kitchen, Senior Lecturer   
Computer Science Department            
The University of Melbourne         phone: +61-3-9287-9101,-9104
Computer Vision & Machine Intelligence Lab  fax: +61-3-9348-1184

            Posted by David S. Bennahum (
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Date:         Fri, 1 Nov 1996 09:43:50 PST
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
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From: "Laurence I. Press" 
Subject:      Re: CYHIST Digest - 29 Oct 1996 to 31 Oct 1996
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 846970927.001

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

> Would anyone like to explain the significance of ILLIAC, which was built at

It is not what you were getting at, but one impact was that ILLIAC(s)
were the standard example in arguing for the need for remote access
and networking, as in, "this project will allow remote access to
expensive, special purpose resources like the ILLIAC."


            Posted by David S. Bennahum (
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Date:         Fri, 1 Nov 1996 19:02:36 -0600
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Peter da Silva 
Subject:      Re: CM> History of ILLIAC?
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847074555.007

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

> Hal actually became operational, according to ACC, on January 12, 1997. You
> are right about the location, tho.  He was activated in Urbana, Ill.

There have been at least two dates given in different versions of the book
and movie. I don't recall what the first one was, now, but I sent a
congratulatory email to the only address at UIUC that could have been a
"Doctor Chandra" on the date.

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Date:         Sat, 2 Nov 1996 03:48:51 -0800
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Bill Selmeier 
Subject:      History of ILLIAC?
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847074555.000

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

I remember a Scientific American feature article on the Illiac circa 1964.
I just tried to check the web site, but they don't have the
archives up on the net.  In fact it looks like they may not get it and
think the best plan is to sell CD's instead of providing WWW back issues.

Around 1982 I went to Nasa's Ames facility in Mountain View to talk about
Local Area Networks, but a prime purpose in my mind was to see the Illiac.
Unfortunately I had missed it by about 1-2 years, but they did show me a
huge raised floor computer room where it had been.  In the center of the
room was a large metal box like structure  without the bottom dropping out
of the ceiling roughly 20' x 10'.  They told me that was for the cooling
plumbing.  The room itself might have been 100' x 30' and way over in the
far corner sat the Illiac's replacement, the familiar circular bench
looking Cray

Bill Selmeier

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Date:         Sat, 2 Nov 1996 18:28:36 +0200
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Peter van Heusden 
Subject:      Mosaic as an innovative tool (was Re: CM> Release date of Mosaic?)
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847074555.001

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

> ------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 31 Oct 1996 16:00:00 -0500
> From:
> Subject: Re: CM> Release date of Mosaic?
> ______________________________________________________________________
>  Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace
> ______________________________________________________________________
> > Does anyone know the date NCSA released Mosaic?  I believe it was sometime
> > during the summer of 1993.  I also discovered that the number of http
> > servers that summer was approximately 150!  By the end of 1993, according
> > to Peter Salus, the number of http compatible hosts grew by the
> > math-defying rate of 443,931%. (Casting the Net, p. 232)
>         Before Mosaic, the WWW was just some silly project cooked up by a
> bunch of guys at CERN. Their predictions for how it would be used were as
> misguided as the infamous "housewives storing their recipies" prediction
> from Intel, because (just like most computerized recipie management
> schemes, then and now) the time cost resulting from document maintainance
> would _significantly_ exceed the time savings of hypertext as envisioned
> under their plans.
>         Mosaic, virtually all by itself, transformed both the web and
> "multimedia" from silly toys played with by grad students in need of a
> thesis to real forces in net development. It caused a true paradigm shift
> on the net. Is it any wonder that it started such explosive growth?
> (Given what the web was before Mosaic, I'm surprised there were as MANY as
> 150 http hosts on the net before it came out.)

Um, didn't Lynx predate Mosaic? (As I recall, Mosaic required Motif,
and the NCR SysV system I was on at that time didn't have Motif)

I am almost certain that Lynx predated Mosaic, and from my POV, Lynx
was the tool which did what you describe - turn the Web into the info
system of choice. (BTW. I still prefer Lynx over Netscape for browsing
HTMLized manuals, etc)

My first experience of the Net was in 1992, initially on a VAX and
then later on a PS/2 running PS/2 AIX. I was then at the University of
Cape Town, in South Africa, and all of SA was linked to the Net via a
9600 bps leased line shared between the 7 or so institutions who were
online. In those days (which are of course just recent history), the
concept of cheap global (or long distance) communication was unheard
of to us.

Anyway, in 1993 the infosystem of choice was gopher. When the WWW
arrived, the first thing which impressed me were URL's. URL's are,
imo, the foundation of 'open networking' on the Internet - an
abstraction which allowed every 'point' on the Net to be specified was
phenomenal. IMO this capability has still not entirely been realised,
possibly due to the fact that the WWW is does not have the concept of
a session.

The other thing which impressed me about WWW was the increased context
- instead of reading a document, popping out to a menu, and digging
deeper, deeper context was available in the document itself.

Lynx also had a simple caching scheme, allowing you to bounce between
a small number of documents without waiting for ages for downloads all
the time (by 1993 I think we had upgraded to our 64Kb leased line,
which was a little bit better than 9600, but still overloaded). All in
all, Lynx moved the Net towards more of a constant experience, rather
than a 'hack you way to data, grab it, read it offline'
thing. (This constant experience angle makes the non-session basing
style of the WWW even more bizarre)

I think it is also interesting to note that Lynx started its life as a
Campus Information System - what these days would be called an
'Intranet tool', and was only later turned into a WWW browser.

Peter van Heusden |       Computers Networks Greens Justice Peace Beer Africa                            

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Date:         Sun, 3 Nov 1996 16:13:51 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Eric Bridger 
Subject:      CM> Re: Release date of Mosaic?
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847076646.005

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

At 09:49 AM 10/31/96 -0500, David S. Bennahum wrote:

>Does anyone know the date NCSA released Mosaic?  I believe it was sometime
>during the summer of 1993.

Great topic, David. Allows some of us relative newbies to speak up.

My company at the time, DeLorme Mapping, got Internet access in 1992.
I downloaded my first copy of Mosaic in June or July of 1993. X Windows only,
and yes, Motif was required.  Luckily my company had a Sun file server,
and for months I had the 56K leased line virtually to myself, until the
Windows version was released, I think sometime in the Fall of 1993.

I forget which beta-version is was, but
I don't think it supported in-line images which appeared in Version 1.0.
I do remember demo'ing that feature to a colleague in Aug.

I think it was those in-line images which gave Mosaic so much of it's
sex appeal and assured that Lynx would only play second fiddle in the
Web revolution.

Lynx did preceed Mosaic.
Strangely, I couldn't find any dates associated with either the Mosaic or Lynx
release notes but they both express their indebetedness to "some silly
project" at
CERN and T.Berners-Lee!

"Lynx was built over an early version of the Common Code Library
developed by the CERN WWW Project. That code is copyrighted by CERN."

"The CERN World Wide Web project (in particular, Tim Berners-Lee) developed
the client library and communications code that NCSA Mosaic uses and created
the conceptual framework within which large parts of Mosaic reside."

I think they are both refering to the CERN line-mode browser which I first
out early in 1993.  But since the only hypertext available was the help
files for
the browsers itself,  I never used it again.

The EIT site has an archive of the www-talk mail list run out of CERN.
The first subject mention of Mosaic I could find occured in Jan. 1993,
with Marc Andreessen annoucing release 0.5.

Release 1.0 is annouced on the www-talk list April 21, 1993.

1992 contains no messages with Mosaic as the subject.

Lynx is discussed in 1992.
It's main creator, Lou Montulli, now works for Netscape.

>Also, not having studied computer science, how familiar might Andreesen &
>Bina have been with earlier attempts at hypertext (are computer science
>students expected to read papers by Vannevar Bush, Engelbart, Ted Nelson)?

The above links, particularly the www-talk archives might shed some light
on these questions.

When my first Web server went live,, in April 1994, my
recollection is that there where still less than 10,000 Web servers
Eric Bridger

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Date:         Sun, 3 Nov 1996 18:43:11 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Julian Dibbell 
Subject:      CM> Anniversary of 4004
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847076646.006

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

If I have my facts straight, somewhere in the month ahead lurks the 25th
anniversary of Intel's 4004, which if I have the rest of my facts straight
was the first commercially released CPU built from a single integrated
circuit. The first microprocessor, in other words, and the first glimpse of
the still astonishing miniaturization potential packed into silicon.
Something like 2000 transistors were on that little jobby. Something like 5
million are on the Pentium Pro. About a billion are scheduled to be on the
last chips before silicon circuitry gets all quantum-weird and useless on
us. Hell of a ride.

Can anyone supply the exact date when it began? Or in best CYHIST fashion
remember what they were doing the day they heard about the 4004 etc etc?

Bonus question: Can anyone explain in 100 words or less how and/or why
Moore's Law works? I've been researching this one for the last week or so,
but the deeper I go, the more impossible it seems to find a clear answer in
the tangle of economic, technical, and hard-physical factors that apparently
keep the pace of miniaturization up.

Julian Dibbell

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Date:         Sun, 3 Nov 1996 22:15:49 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: "David S. Bennahum" 
Subject:      Re: CM> Re: Release date of Mosaic?
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847078520.000

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

Eric Bridger wrote:

>The EIT site has an archive of the www-talk mail list run out of CERN.
>The first subject mention of Mosaic I could find occured in Jan. 1993,
>with Marc Andreessen annoucing release 0.5.

It is a fascinating archive.  I went in and sorted the messages by author,
and found a couple of things.  Andreesen's first post takes place in early
November, 1992.  At first he is asking a few questions, then starts posting
more, and very quickly decides to alter the "look and feel" of the WWW with
the creation of a browser which will permit images & text in the same
document.  That decision was part of an ongoing debate, whether it would be
best to have images and text stored separately, on different servers, or
encoded in a single document.  The debate boiled down to "hypertext" or
"hypermedia."  Here, reprinted as is, is the note which describes
Andreesen's decision to begin working on Mosaic (although that name is not
used).  Andreesen wrote:

re: HTML: hypertext or hypermedia?

Marc Andreessen (
Mon, 7 Dec 92 23:27:43 -0800

Dan Connolly writes:
> Some folks have expressed an interest in putting graphics and
> _inside_ an HTML document.
> Other folks just want references from the SGML to external data.
> (even if it's presented as if it were part of the flow of text).

The presentation as part of the flow of the document is virtually
essential -- otherwise it's only a halfway solution.

> (or you _could_ use the MIME multipart mechanism to glue them
> together, but I don't see that as a very popular choice. Even if
> did that, it would not impact the HTML spec.)

I see this as the best possible choice, at this point in time.
not an ideal solution, it has the twin benefits of (as you say)
entirely existing mechanisms and providing substantial
(And yes, I really do talk like that -- in fact, I used to work at

Allowing this would not preclude future Web-based hypermedia
mechanisms -- in fact, it would encourage them, as we become more
familiar with the limitations of HTML and MIME.

Blah blah blah... anyhow, we're going to go ahead and take this
approach, so we'll see how it turns out :-).


[~end quote~]

The "how it turns out" is, well, history now.

It is amazing how, taking this date in December, fast Andreesen was at
hacking out a preliminary version of Mosaic -- about six weeks or so.  One
wonders, given that speed, why the folks using HTTP for the previous two
years hadn't done it sooner.


            Posted by David S. Bennahum (
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Date:         Sun, 3 Nov 1996 22:36:45 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: "David S. Bennahum" 
Subject:      CM> Mosaic and cultural history, MTV.COM.
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847080803.000

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

While digging through the archives (, I came
across this fascinating bit of cultural history.  Evidently Adam Cury, who
started (and later got into a feud with MTV over this), sent an
e-mail to people about using Mosaic.  Andreesen reposted that note to the
www-list, and the note follows below.  It is interesting to see that, in
early October, before Mosaic had made it out very far in the world, people
were already planning web sites like this one.  Here is the note, and
Andreesen seems pleased that Curry mentions Mosaic by name, which Andreesen
enclosed in <> symbols.


[~begin quote~]

Marc Andreessen (
Sun, 17 Oct 93 17:09:14 -0700

Note second-to-last paragraph...



Welcome to MTV.COM!!!

Well, it's been an interesting startup, I've been learning alot
about UNIX
and the Net as I go along, and so far it's been fun.

Here's a brief rundown on this site:

First and foremost I have to make it very clear that is NOT
sponsored by MTV Networks. Although they are aware of my cyberspace
dwellings they aren't yet ready to commit to a project like this,
but I
have their bessing in spreading the gospel ofcourse ;-)

So this ofcourse means that I am paying for my T1 connection
myself, which
is maintained by the fine folks at Digital Express.

Although the startup has been rather slow, look for this site to be
hoppin' within the next couple of weeks. My personal assistant Ken
( will be posting a weekly newsletter, we'll be putting
bloopers and outtakes up in quicktime format, look for digital
to appear, and yes, even mailboxes for Beavis and Butthead, huh,

I intend to post programming grids for MTV along with important
development in the music bizz.

Please also note the "Cyber-Sleaze" which is available through
gopher, ftp
or the extended versions which are on the listprocessor, the
mailing list
is and you should place the following
in the
message :

subscribe CYBER-SLEAZE your name

This extended reports are shareware, and donations are appreciated.

>This just in...I'm in the process of of setting up a WWW server
that will
blow the socks off your Mosaic viewer!<

This is just the start of and I hope that you will enjoy
your stay
here. Suggestions and comments are always welcome!

All for now.

Adam Curry

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Date:         Sun, 3 Nov 1996 23:16:30 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
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From: "David S. Bennahum" 
Subject:      CM> Mosaic and Tim Berners-Lee
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847121781.000

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

Another historical issue is the relationship between Tim Berners-Lee,
creator of the WWW, and Andreesen.  Mosaic altered the balance of
initiative, shifting the development of new Web-based protocols to
corporations (e.g. RealAudio, Shockwave) and away from universities.  This,
in turn, altered the pressures to keep protocols protprietary or not.
Berners-Lee addresses this issue of power and dominance, stating "the
strong must be just."  He also hints at future issues surrounding the
development of the Web as an open or closed medium -- with different
standards vying for dominance.

Has anyone on the list worked with Berners-Lee, or have any stories about
the process he went through leading to the HTTP protocol and the coining
the phrase "world wide web"?

Here is a note from Berners-Lee addressing the openness issue, and others,


[~begin quote~]

Re: Mosaic vs WWW
Tim Berners-Lee (
Thu, 25 Nov 93 17:27:13 +0100

>Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 15:25:41 -0500
>From: Jim Davis 

>Am I the only one who is getting irritated by this constant
>confusion in the press between WWW and Mosaic?

It does cause a lot of confusion. We hear that "Gopher
and Mosaic" were on the White house lawn sun; we hear
that "Mosaic integrates gopher and web access". The last
one really grates, as WWW was designed to integrate the
works. The "web" is the result of the integration.

> Don't get
>me wrong, Mosaic is a major blessing, I am grateful beyond
>words to NCSA for funding it,

Agreed. Mosaic is fantastic. And noone else has time
to keep Marc's "What's new" list up to date (and program..
how does he do it? What brand of coffee?)

> but why can't people understand
>that Mosaic is NOT the WWW, but just one of the possible
>tools that work with it - that WWW is the client-server system,
>and Mosaic just one of those clients.

Now that NCSA have clearly demonstrated their dominance of the
scene, perhaps they could take care that the web does not threaten
to become an application-specific creation. When you start
Mosaic, you get the Mosaic documentation, which lets you know
all about Mosaic. NCSA should be careful to be fair and fit
into the web along with the smaller players. The strong must
be just.

>it would probably help if the "What's New" page called itself
>"what's new with the WWW" instead of "whats new with Mosaic".

Or "What's new on the Web". They could even put in
pointers to announcements of new Lynx and Cello versions...


[~end quote~]

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Date:         Sun, 3 Nov 1996 23:41:15 -0800
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
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From: Audrie Krause 
Subject:      CM> Predictions
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847132998.004

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

Computer historians may find the following predictions to be of interest:

  "Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
  --Popular Mechanics,
  forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949

  "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."
  --Thomas Watson,
  chairman of IBM, 1943

  "I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked
  with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is
  a fad that won't last out the year."
  --The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957

  "But what ... is it good for?"
  --Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM,
  1968, commenting on the microchip.

  "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
  --Ken Olson,
  president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977

  "640K ought to be enough for anybody."
  --Bill Gates, 1981

Audrie Krause  <>  E-MAIL:
601 Van Ness Ave., No. 631    San Francisco, CA 94102
TELEPHONE: (415) 775-8674     FAX: (415) 673-3813
* * *       WEB:      * * *

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Date:         Mon, 4 Nov 1996 07:35:01 -0600
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: "Michael S. Hart" 
Subject:      Re: CM> Anniversary of 4004
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847132998.005

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

I still have a 4004, sealed, somewhere around here,
with two support chips. . .but. . .my question is:

Doesn't the TI chip used in the TI-52 count as a
microprocessor?  Not sure, but it might have been
out earlier than the 4004. . .it certainly came to
MY neighborhood earlier. . .mh

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Date:         Mon, 4 Nov 1996 08:32:01 -0700
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
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From: "Michael R. Williams" 
Subject:      Re: CM> Anniversary of 4004
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847134037.001

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

>Can anyone supply the exact date when it began? Or in best CYHIST fashion
>remember what they were doing the day they heard about the 4004 etc etc?

The 4000 was actually a family of chips that were first designed for use in
hand held calculators to be produced by a Japanese firm called Busicom.  The
dates are as follows:

4001 - 2048 bit ROM
4002 - 320 bit RAM
4003 - 10 bit I/O register for driving a calculator keyboard and display
4004 - 4 bit slice CPU

October 1970 - the 4001 were produced and was working
November 1970 - 4002 and 4003 were produced and worked
Christmas 1970 - 4004 produced and failed completely (one manufacturing step
had been accidently left out and resulted in the failure).
Feb. 1971 - new batch of 4004 were produced and worked

by Mid-March 1971 Intel had sent sample chips to Buisicom (the Japanese firm
that had first asked them to produce the chip set).

May 1971 - Busicom decided that they no longer needed the exclusive rights
to the 4000 chips and kept the rights for producing hand held calculators
but let Intel sell the chips to others for other products.

By the end of 1971 Busicom was essentially dead as a company and Intel was
on its way up.

Mike Williams

Dr. Michael R. Williams
Editor-in-Chief, Annals of the History of Computing
Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta
Canada      T2N 1N4

Ph:  (403) 220-6781
Fax: (403) 284-4707

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Date:         Mon, 4 Nov 1996 16:25:07 -0800
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Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Anthony Spataro 
Subject:      Re: CM> History of ILLIAC?
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847167079.000

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

> Hal actually became operational, according to ACC, on January 12, 1997. You
> are right about the location, tho.  He was activated in Urbana, Ill.

Does anybody know if someone at Urbana has something planned for this
coming January 12? Something as simple as installing a new
workstation named HAL would suffice, but it's an excellent opportunity
to make a bit of fiction come to life, in a small way.

 _/\_   Relax.  You've been eraÿHÿHÿHÿH
/ L  \  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
\_ C_/  Bigger fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em.
  \/    Little fleas have lesser fleas and so ad infinitum.

"A raccoon tangled with a 23,000 volt line today.  The results blacked
out 1400 homes and, of course, one raccoon."
                -- Steel City News

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Date:         Mon, 4 Nov 1996 19:55:04 EST
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Alex McKenzie 
Subject:      CM> ILLIAC Statistic
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847167079.001

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

Bill Selmeier  wrote:

>                                                      they did show me a
>huge raised floor computer room where it had been.  In the center of the
>room was a large metal box like structure  without the bottom dropping out
>of the ceiling roughly 20' x 10'.  They told me that was for the cooling
>plumbing.  The room itself might have been 100' x 30'

When the planning for the move of Illiac IV from Univ of Ill to NASA
Ames was well underway I heard some of the details in a presentation at
a Network Working Group meeting.  The statistic that impressed me so
much I still remember it is that the cooling system would deliver 4
acre-feet per minute of cold air into the room.

Alex McKenzie

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Date:         Mon, 4 Nov 1996 22:44:34 EST
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Mike Muuss 
Subject:      Final Announcement- ENIAC Event
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847171575.000

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

From:     "Paul H Deitz: BVLD/SLAD/ARL" 

On 13-14 November, the US Army Research Laboratory and the US Army
Ordnance Center & School are jointly sponsoring a two-day event cele-
brating 50 Years of Army Computing.  The purposes of this event are:

o To help the public remember that it was the US Army which initiated
  the computer revolution.  Few inventions have had as big an impact
  on our civilization as the computer, and all modern computers are
  descended from ENIAC, EDVAC, ORDVAC, and BRLESC.

o To give credit to the highly skilled and dedicated military and
  civilian scientists and other workers through whose efforts,
  together with their counterparts in the private sector, met and
  solved a great national defense challenge while at the same time
  giving birth to a technology which would change the world.

o To recognize a new phase in Army computing through the dedication of
  equipment for the ARL Major Shared Resource Center acquired through
  the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program.

The activities will include a series of historical retrospectives.
Numerous early computing figures will be attending including Dr. Her-
man H. Goldstine, the project officer of the ENIAC program begun more
than fifty years ago at the University of Pennsylvania.  He will be
presented with both military and civilian medals.

An agenda can be found below.  Further information can be found at the
ARL ENIAC WEB site ( or by contact-
ing Ms. Brenda Rice (; 410-278-6282) or Ms. LouAnn Con-
way (; 410-278-6336).

Paul H. Deitz

                      50 Years of Army Computing
                          from ENIAC to MSRC

                     Wednesday November 13, 1996

Event                          Location                           Time

Registration & Coffee            TOB*                        0800-0830

Opening Session                  TOB                         0830-0915
     Welcome, Administrative Announcements, Historical Overview:
     Moye, Deitz, Bergin

Historical Dynamics              TOB                         0930-1030
     Why BRL? . . . Why Penn? . . . I was here...So what?:  Reed
     (Chair), Goldstine, Huskey

Women Pioneers                   TOB                         1100-1200
     Here we are today . . . These people were here at the
     beginning:  Smith (Chair), Butler, Antonelli, Reitwiesner,
     Holberton, Woodward

Lunch (a la carte)               TOB                         1200-1300

BRL Machines, Software and
           Applications          TOB                         1330-1530
     Gregory (Chair), Weik, Barkuloo, Merritt, Frank, Romanelli,
     Fritz, Giese

Roundtable                       TOB                         1545-1630
     Bergin (Chair), Goldstine, Huskey, Fritz

Social (Buffet)          APG Ordnance Museum                 1830-2030

                      Thursday November 14, 1996

Coffee                           TOB*                        0830-0900

Continuing Contributions         TOB                         0900-0945
     Networks, Supercomputers, BRL-CAD: Breaux (Chair), Eichel-
     berger, Muuss, Dykstra

61st Ordnance Brigade Parade
                            Fanshaw Field                    1045-1145
  Recognition: COL Paul Gillon (via Gillon Family)
  Presentation: Dr. Herman H. Goldstine-
                 US Army Distinguished Service Award

Lunch (a la carte)               TOB                         1145-1330

Civilian Ceremony                TOB                         1330-1430
  Recognition: Dr. John von Neumann (via von Neumann Family)
  Presentation: Dr. Herman H. Goldstine-
            Decoration for Distinguished Civilian Service
  Recognition: Army Computing Pioneers
  ARL DoD MSRC Dedication

Future of Computing              TOB                         1500-1600
     New Capabilities, Driving Applications, etc. per MSRC Ini-
     tiative: Ellis (Chair)


* TOB: Top-of-the-Bay (Formerly the Officer's Club)

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Date:         Tue, 5 Nov 1996 10:21:38 -0800
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Audrie Krause 
Subject:      CM> RAND Classics on the Web
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847293087.003

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

RAND has made available on the Web all the original papers that Paul Baran
wrote about packet switching in the 1960's.  This is part of a "RAND
Classics" series
of significant early papers.

The URL for the Baran papers is

Audrie Krause  <>  E-MAIL:
601 Van Ness Ave., No. 631    San Francisco, CA 94102
TELEPHONE: (415) 775-8674     FAX: (415) 673-3813
* * *       WEB:      * * *

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Date:         Tue, 5 Nov 1996 15:24:00 PST
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Lauren Weinstein 
Subject:      ASR-33 Teletypes
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847308147.002

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

Greetings.  I spent much more time than I like to think about dealing
with the internal mechanisms of the Model 33 TTY.  Anyone who worked
with these beasties (I still have a working one--quite a few have
managed to stay around) has their own personal favorite stories.

It's important to realize that the printer mechanism of a 33 was entirely
mechanical.  The only electronic portion was the circuitry that drove the
eight horizontal bars that ran across the width of the unit, plus a motor to
drive the main mechanism.  Each bar represented a bit.  When the appropriate
bit was asserted by incoming data, the bar would be pushed up.  Various
mechanisms that slid along the bars would push and rotate the print cylinder
and eventually result in the printed character or "other functions".  It was
possible to trip the bits by hand and rotate the print assembly by hand as
well through the entire print cycle--this was in fact frequently done when
maintaining the units.

Adjustments were exeedingly critical.  The type cylinders didn't have
a detent to fall into--you used a special little fork tool to grab the
cylinder in two slots and hold it in place while you tightened a nut
on the top.  Getting it in the right position to print properly was
a nightmare.  Many cylinders had the letters "SP" in the "space"
position on the cylinder--special mechanisms ("space print suppression")
were supposed to keep this from actually printing when an ASCII space
was received.  If this didn't work right the results were impressive.

The carriage was pulled back to the left margin by a rather strong spring.
At the left side of the carriage was a rubber "plunger" that would (when
properly adjusted) slide into a metal cylinder (the "dashpot") at the left
margin.  This cylinder had a small hole in the center, and a black metal
lever that you used to control how much of the hole was covered.  This whole
assembly was an air cushioning system; the amount of the hole uncovered
controlled how much air remained in the cylinder to slow the return
of the carriage to the final rest position.  If the hole was too open,
the dashpot would slam with great force into the left margin and
adjustment screwups and other hardware failures would follow.  If the
hole was covered too much the carriage would bounce out, resulting in the
first few characters of the next line being printed in the wrong spot, unless
you used even more beginning of line padding chars than were normally
required (that's a whole different story...)

Functions like carriage-return, linefeed, bell (ÿG), etc. were handled by
the mystical "function levers".  These mechanical 8 bit NAND gates were
positioned at ninety degrees to the bit levers.  The function levers had
slots in them, so that when the appropriate bit pattern appeared they'd be
pushed or pulled into a new position and trigger the function mechanisms.
One of my worst experiences with a 33 was caused by function levers.  I was
attempting for the first time to add a major function modification kit to a
33.  This kit would supposedly add automatic carriage-return/linefeed at
end-of-line.  The installation instructions were lengthy, detailed, and
complicated.  I finally got to the point where I needed to actually install
the function lever itself deep in the mechanism.

The instructions were clear--"rotate the support bar only as far as
necessary to install the new lever, or other function levers may be
affected" (or something to that effect).  So I turned the bar--ever so
slowly.  The new lever wouldn't go in.  I rotated a little more.  Still no
luck.  The tiniest bit more...  and with a clatter and "sproing" all the
function levers in the unit came loose under spring power, flying in various
directions.  I was most displeased.  I managed to (with a *great* deal of
work) get all of the original function levers back in place, and provided
the modification kit with a special place of honor in an L.A. landfill.

There were fun aspects to the 33 too of course.  My favorite demo of a 33
was one I saw on a PDP-9.  The simple one note D to A on the computer played
the tune to Leroy Anderson's "Typewriter Song", while the model 33 merrily
typed along providing the appropriate synchronized typing sounds, along with
carriage-returns and bell rings in all the right places.  It sounded great!
And during the entire process, the teletype was printing out the programming
credits for the program.

Clatter clatter clatter.  Ca-chunk.  Bing.


            Posted by David S. Bennahum (
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Date:         Wed, 6 Nov 1996 15:57:32 EST
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: BUTLJW <72355.1621@CompuServe.COM>
Subject:      Early Illinois Computers-ILLIAC
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847388501.005

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

The Pioneer Day at the 1985 National Computer Conference held at Chicago's
McCormick Place was devoted to "AVIDAC, ORACLE, ORDVAC, and ILLIAC -- The
First Generation in Illinois".  It commemorated the construction in Illinois
from 1949 to 1953 of four binary, 40-bit word, stored program digital
computers patterned after the prototype being built at that time by John
von Neumann's Electronic Computer Project at the Princeton Institute for
Advanced Study.  The AVIDAC and ORACLE were built at Argonne National
Laboratory under U.S. Atomic Energy Commission funding.  The AVIDAC for
use in the Argonne Laboratory; the ORACLE for shipment to and use at Oak
Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.  The ORDVAC and ILLIAC (the first
by that name) were built at the University of Illinois in Urbana.  These
were built under an agreement whereby the costs were shared between the
organizations who were to receive them.  The first, the ORDVAC, was built
for shipment to the BallisticResearch Laboratories at Aberdeen Proving
Ground, Maryland, and the second, the ILLIAC, was to remain at Urbana.
The Pioneer Day book prepared for the occasion states that the ORDVAC
was completed in November 1951 and moved to Aberdeen in February 1952.
The ILLIAC was pronounced complete in September 1952 and served the needs
of the University until 1962.
The University continued its pioneering role in the design and development
of computer systems producing more generations of the ILLIAC family.
ILLIAC II, a general purpose transistor-and-diode machine was completed in
1963, followed by the special-purpose image-processing ILLIAC III in 1966,
and the ILLIAC IV parallel semiconductor computer in the early seventies.
At Argonne, the AVIDAC was completed in January 1953, followed by the
ORACLE in August of that year.
All four machines had Williams tube memories but varied from one another
and from the Princeton prototype as their developers learned from their

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Date:         Thu, 7 Nov 1996 05:20:47 PST
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: "Laurence I. Press" 
Subject:      Re: CYHIST Digest - 5 Nov 1996 to 6 Nov 1996
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847388501.006

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

> Greetings.  I spent much more time than I like to think about dealing
> with the internal mechanisms of the Model 33 TTY.  Anyone who worked
> with these beasties (I still have a working one--quite a few have
> managed to stay around) has their own personal favorite stories.

I installed a couple of TTYs in libraries and schools in Los Angeles,
but my favorite was a portable terminal.  It was a TTY and an
accoustic coupler in a large plastic case with casters made by
Anderson-Jacobson.  10 CPS, upper-case only, but I used it extensively
to talk to EIES and other conferencing systems in the mid 70s, and
thought I'd gone to heaven.  I think my ex wife got it :-).  Had
another one connected to an Altair 680 (not many of those around I


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Date:         Thu, 7 Nov 1996 10:39:37 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Subject:      CM> ASR-33 Teletypes
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847398400.006

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

My favorite {KA}SR-33 story is from a users perspective.  In one of my
first programming jobs (I was still living at home!), my boss allowed me
to take one home (using an acoustic coupler).  Unfortunately, my only
mode of trasportation was my dad's 1963 VW bug.  That was a chore getting
that big, clunky thing in the back seat, let me tell you!  :-)

On Tue, 5 Nov 1996, Lauren Weinstein wrote:


Don  Harrington                         Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
(206) 931-4457 voice                    P. O. Box 3707 M/S 5J-34
(206) 931-9085 FAX                      Seattle, WA  98124-2207

These thoughts are owned by the person expressing them, and no one else!

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Date:         Thu, 7 Nov 1996 19:12:50 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: "David S. Bennahum" 
Subject:      CM> Moderator schedule.
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847723793.011

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

I will be traveling, with poor Internet access, until Monday, November 11.
Messages posted to CYHIST may not appear until my return, unless I do find
a means to log on (which I will try to do).

Thank You.

db CM Moderator

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Date:         Thu, 7 Nov 1996 22:23:00 PST
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Lauren Weinstein 
Subject:      Moving the ASR-33 TTY
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847738842.004

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

Don Harrington mentions the hassle of moving a model 33 tty in the
back seat of his car.  He's lucky it made it intact.  The typical
model 33 print mechanism was not really attached to the stand, but
just held in place by gravity.  If the entire unit were moved
"improperly", it was quite possible for the print mechanism to move
far enough out of place to break the various mechanical linkages
that connected it to other parts of the assembly, including the
keyboard mechanism.  One day, I'll have to talk about how
the 33's keyboard worked; even thinking about it now might be
enough to trigger a nightmare.


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Date:         Fri, 8 Nov 1996 10:44:35 PST
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Len Shustek 
Subject:      Re: History of ILLIAC
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847738842.005

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

>> ...they did show me a huge raised floor computer room where it had
>> been... The room itself might have been 100' x 30'...
> ...When the planning for the move of Illiac IV from Univ of Ill to
> NASA Ames was well underway...

 In an irony of history, the Illiac IV -- or at least parts of it --
 have recently *returned* to NASA Ames at Moffet Field.  When it was
 surplused in 1982, The Computer Museum rescued some of it and stored it
 in Boston.  Now that TCM is establishing the west coast Computer
 History Center, we've moved lots of the Boston stored collection to a
 warehouse on Moffet Field.  Included are two of the (huge) Illiac IV
 processing elements, the (even more huge) main controller, and a really
 neat 3' diameter Burroughs fixed-head vertical disk that was used with

 -- Len Shustek 
    Chairman, The Computer Museum History Center project

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Date:         Tue, 12 Nov 1996 20:55:52 -0500
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Christopher Harper 
Organization: New York University
Subject:      Associated Press
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847983569.002

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

I have lurked on the list since its beginning and feel somewhat
uncomfortable posting to such an esteemed group.  Nevertheless, I am
writing a book about the role of news and information in the digital age
for journalists.   In 1974-75, I worked for the Associated Press in
Chicago, which was one of the first testing grounds for computerized
reporting.  I tracked down one computer guy at the AP who provided the
following information about the system in use back then when I was a
young guy.  I was wondering if anyone on the list can tell me a bit more
about these systems, capacity, history.  Thanks.
Quoting Steve Graham, AP computer maven:
In 1974-75, Chicago had a Hendrix (now defunct) computer system as well
as a
DEC PDP 8I that handled H&J (hyphenation and justification) and

You're probably thinking of the hold Hendrix 5600 terminals, but there
another kind as well that I never paid any attention to.

I don't remember the terminals doing anything about warning, but the
would spit out messages to a printer when they were getting close to
Back to me:

There was a system where there was a redlight alarm and then a bell.  We
were using CRTs or VDTs.  The red light meant the system was crashing.
If you didn't save the file before the bell went on, you lost the
material.  Was this device a local thing, or was it part of the system?
Answer privately unless the list is interested in the subject.  This is
a wonderful list on which to lurk and to see what you folks know.  As I
said, I feel somewhat uncomfortable posting because of the brainpower
here.  Nevertheless... thanks.

Christopher Harper              Associate Professor
New York University             Department of Journalism
10 Washington Place             New York, NY 10003

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."
  --Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

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Date:         Thu, 14 Nov 1996 09:47:33 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: Leslie Pearson 
Subject:      Electronic Pre Press Systems
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 847996058.003

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

The e-mail message about a PDP-8 Hyphenation and Justification system
reminded me of my year I spent with Atex (then owned by Kodak) in the
1980's. They had electronic Pre Press systems on PDP-11's, which were
written in Macro-11 (assembly language) and had 32 K memory overlays as
the operating system! (I suspect the PDP-8 system was an earlier
version). I distinctly remember the top floor of the building being full
of PDP-11 systems with their "cake platter" disks and was quite warm,
even in the winter time - the systems didn't seem to suffer, however.

When I was there, the company was starting a big technology switch from
PDP-11's to Unix workstations. Unfortunately, I was downsized out of
there as part of the switch and never found out how it turned out. (There
was a big push for a 1986 trade show in Germany, as I recall). I wound up
at Wang, which is another story.

A spin-off of the Atex system was the Xywrite word processor which was
the editor ported to PC's. The person who wrote it originally did work
for Atex but either left or was asked to leave and started their own
company as I vaguely recall.

Leslie Pearson

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Date:         Thu, 14 Nov 1996 22:41:47 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Subject:      Wall Street Journal/ENIAC Programmers
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 848104385.002

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

In the Wall Street Journal on Friday, November 15,
Tom Petzinger will have Part I of a two-part story on
the ENIAC Programmers.   These wonderful women
were mathematicians calculating ballistics firing tables
for the Army when six of them were called upon to
program the ballistics equations into the ENIAC (first
all-electronic digital computer).   They programmed the
ENIAC without instruction and without manuals, learning
from the blueprint diagrams.  Several had long careers in
programming, particularly Frances E. Holberton and Betty
Jean Jennings Bartik, with many programming developments.

Part II will be published on the following Friday.

- Kathy Kleiman
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth
Biographer, ENIAC Programmers

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Date:         Fri, 15 Nov 1996 10:31:27 -0500
Reply-To: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
Sender: "CYHIST  Community Memory: Discussion list on the History of
From: "christopher f. chiesa" 
Subject:      Re: CYHIST Digest - 13 Nov 1996 to 14 Nov 1996
To: Multiple recipients of list CYHIST 
X-UIDL: 848104385.001

 Community Memory: Discussion List on the History of Cyberspace

Hello, all.

It's been awhile since I wrote here; I've been saving some of the digests
with the intention of responding to various points, but by the time I get
to 'em they'll be MONTHS out of date.  Anyone still care?  Shall I just
nuke 'em and forget trying to respond months later?


Most recently, Leslie Pearson  regaled us with text
regarding Electronic Pre Press Systems, viz:

> The e-mail message about a PDP-8 Hyphenation and Justification system
> reminded me of my year I spent with Atex (then owned by Kodak) in the
> 1980's. They had electronic Pre Press systems on PDP-11's, which were
> written in Macro-11 (assembly language) and had 32 K memory overlays as
> the operating system! (I suspect the PDP-8 system was an earlier
> version).

Intersting; sounds like I just missed you, Leslie!  I've been with LVT,
another of Kodak's "Electronic Pre-Press"-related efforts, since Halloween
1988!  Our platform of choice for most of those years has been Digital's
"follow-on" product to the PDP series, i.e. the VAX, and then the Alpha,
both running the VMS operating system.  Our code was originally about a
half-million lines of Macro-32 (the follow-on equivalent of Macro-11)
and FORTRAN, with a little bit of C added in the last three or four
years.  I remember that just about the time I got here, yes, Kodak was
phasing out Digital (DEC) stuff and phasing in Unix (SunOS ?) systems.
It sure sounds as though this makes LVT possibly the last remaining
project to still actively make/use/sell DEC-platform-based product,
although we're just about finished with that and are just about fully
migrated onto Windows NT -- though still on DEC Alpha, rather than Intel,

Chris Chiesa

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the opinions of the author and have been neither viewed, nor approved, by
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